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May 19th 2021


Water is something that most of us take for granted but ‘water is life’ and without it we cannot survive.  We are in danger of water becoming very scarce unless we make some changes.  The time has come to take collective action, for everyone to be proactive today to ensure there is enough water for future generations.

As WaterWise celebrates Water Saving Week, The Unified Water Label has launched a #dontforgettheplug campaign.  It is designed to reach out to consumers asking them to look at their habits and be more aware of how much water they use, not just to preserve precious supplies but to make a positive impact on climate change.


The campaign entitled ‘PLUG’ is based around a slogan of #dontforgettheplug and includes four key messages:

  • Prevent water scarcity
  • Link water, energy and carbon issues
  • Understand how much water is used
  • Gain from saving money on bills


Whilst the Covid-19 epidemic has brought some positive changes for climate change, the combination of people spending all their time at home and the very dry weather last year has created a water shortage.

Research has shown that that consumers underestimate how much water they use in the home. Research carried out by in 2020 found that 46% believe their household uses under 20 litres a day, (roughly equivalent to taking a two-minute shower), when the true figure is closer to 142 litres per person per day. This means an average family of four in the UK could use more than 500 litres each day.


There is also a direct link between how much water we use in the home and how much energy is consumed because much of the water we use is heated.  Heating water is the second largest source of energy use in the home and figures from The Energy Saving Trust estimate that hot water use contributes £228 to the average annual combined energy bill and emits 875kg of CO2 per household per year.


UWLA CEO Yvonne Orgill says, “We have launched this campaign as we want to help people understand that we all have to work together to create change. If we all take responsibility for the choices we make, and the habits we adopt, we can use water wisely and safely to protect our environment and wellbeing.

“It is important that this is not seen as a negative message but a positive one. We want to promote water efficiency and the reduction of water wastage, rather than just using less water.


“We want our campaign to raise awareness and encourage people to take action, and to feel good about playing their part.


“We have a unique opportunity to come together and take advantage of an increased awareness of the green agenda.  Many mainstream consumer brands are now promoting the sustainability message.  We hope that consumers will take on board our message and      that the information we provide can assist them with making informed choices, which will ultimately help save the planet.”


More information about the #dontforgettheplug campaign and how to use water wisely in the home can be found here.


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