October 3rd 2023
UWLA MD Yvonne Orgill says that the plan for a mandatory label announced by Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), on Friday 29 September will create confusion and unnecessary expense.
The comments were made following the publication of the response to the consultation which took place earlier this year.
Yvonne said, “The decision by Defra to progress a mandatory label will create confusion, as under their proposals there will be a UK only label, creating extra administration and expense for many manufacturers that operate across Europe and the UK.
In addition the cost of re-inventing the wheel by developing new technical criteria, testing products and setting up a whole new scheme, when this already exists via the Unified Water Label, is not only expensive for the industry but a waste of public money.
“Government is extremely misguided in spending time and money developing a label when there is a recognised and existing scheme developed by the industry, that they could utilise, at much less cost and more effectively.
“The document also omits any mention of a campaign to influence consumer behaviour, which is essential for any scheme to succeed, and something that the UWLA has been addressing since the scheme’s inception.
“The UWLA is fully committed to helping government address the issue of water efficiency but believes that it could work with, and listen to industry more.
“The Unified Water Label Association has responded directly to Defra and will be stepping up its campaign to lobby government for a reversal of this direction, with a view to adopting the existing Unified Water Label.”