July 14th 2020
Virtual Workshop Confirms Opportunities for Bathroom Industry to Benefit from Renovation Wave
A virtual workshop hosted by the Unified Water Label (UWLA) and its Italian partners, AVR the Italian valve and fitting manufacturers’ association and Confindustria Ceramica, was a resounding success, with more than 70 visitors from across the UK and Europe attending to discuss the commercial benefits of the UWL.
Paulo de Silva Lemos, Policy Officer at DG Environment and Alessandro Durante from AVR were both guest speakers.
Carlos Velazquez, chairman of the UWLA who introduced the speakers and closed the event said, “It was a pleasure to welcome so many interested parties to the workshop and I was delighted to hear our speakers from the European Commission and DG Environmental supporting the label.
“It is clear that the renewed focus on post Covid-19 initiatives designed to stimulate economies, such as the Green Deal and the Renovation Wave present a unique commercial opportunity for those that support the UWLA.”
Alessandro Durante urged the industry to get behind the ‘UWL solution’. He said, “The UWLA is not only good for the environment, it will also achieve the goals of our politicians. The benefit of the UWLA is that it has been developed by industry experts that understand the complexity of their products, and how they work as part of a system.”
Yvonne Orgill, UWLA MD narrated a video presentation during the workshop, she said “ An informative label such as the UWLA can help influence consumer behaviour and contribute to using water wisely and saving energy in the home. It is a smart tool, developed by the industry, which is ready and available, with the full support of the UWLA.
“The workshop proved to be an excellent platform to share knowledge and discuss benefits so we hope to repeat it in the coming months with a focus on Germany and the UK.
The video presented at the workshop, which includes a review of the technical criteria for the UWLA by Christian Taylor Hamlyn, chair of the technical working group, is available to view here. Companies can contact Yvonne at orgill@europeanbathroomforum.org to find out more about the UWLA and future workshops.