March 1st 2017
Water For Life Issue 3 – March 2017
Water is a precious substance and one we cannot survive without, and yet, a substance we have little understanding of how much we use and how much we waste. Good clean water is a must for our everyday living, it keeps us healthy, free from disease and is used countless times every day in our homes, businesses and manufacturing process.
The majority of people do not realise how much water they use during their daily activity; it is easy to forget that over 6 litres of water is used every time you flush the toilet, a 30-minute shower can use in excess of 360 litres and considerable energy required to heat the hot water. Over 8 litres of water consumed each day whilst cleaning your teeth. With over 550 million people living in Europe these daily activities can collectively use the equivalent water found in over 27,500 Olympic size swimming pools.
The European Water Label provides a great way of aiding the consumer, architects and specifiers to easily recognise the water flow or volume across 14 different categories of water using bathroom products. Supported by 126 well-known bathroom brands and 52 additional partners the Scheme continues to grow and expand its easy to navigate database of 9,750 live products – easy access – easy choice.
The Scheme provides the platform for all to have a greater understanding of how much water is used and in return how we can reduce waste.
The demand for water is greater today than ever before, and we all have a social responsibility to improve knowledge, reduce waste, so future generations can enjoy what we have today!
We must all play our part!