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Please find all information relating to the Manifesto


Please find all information relating to the Consultation paper

Aims and Objectives

An easy to identify and simple to understand label that informs European consumers on water and associated energy consumption of water using bathroom products, allowing them to make an informed choice.

Technical Criteria

The technical criteria across all categories correlates to recognised harmonised or existing European and National Standards.

Rules and Regulations

The Unified Water Label Association is run by an elected board of directors, who also manage the Unified Water Label, with a steering committee setting and managing the direction of the scheme.


Join more than 160 brands across promoting Unified Water Label products across Europe.

How to use the Label

A useful guide on how to use the Water Label along with supporting marketing materials.

Audit Process & Test Houses

In order to maintain a consistent standard all registered Unified Water Label products are eligible to undergo an audit by a recognised method as identified on the Test House Audit Process.

Water Calculator

The Water Calculator provides a working example of the calculator used for the Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes. The Water Calculator uses the method set out in the “Water Efficiency Calculator for New Dwellings”.

Carbon Calculator

Our carbon calculator helps you identify how much carbon you use per litre of water in coming to the property.

Energy Calculator

Our energy calculator helps you to identify how much energy is used to heat your water to a desired temperature.

Commitment and NDA

Register your commitment to support the Unified Water Label and contribute to our data collection.


Many thousands of hours have been dedicated to research across the globe to improve knowledge on water efficiency and consequences. These links may be of use to you.

Useful Links

Take a look at our list of useful links relating to water and energy efficiency around Europe

Marketing Material

Within this section you will find copies of all marketing collateral which you can freely use referencing the Unified Water Label

Find a water efficient bathroom product

Update your bathroom with modern products, designed to be efficient without any detriment to performance


Support the scheme to promote this voluntary initiative and help spread the word


The UWLA seeks local agents at national level to further enhance the outreach of the scheme

Meetings, Minutes, Notes and Presentations

Within this section you will find copies of meeting documents, minutes and presentations


Within this section you will find information relating to our work with young people in schools, colleges and universities.


Within this section you will find information relating to Exhibitions

Member / Supporter logo

Here you can find all information in relation to becoming a member.

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